Engaging Children. Achieving Goals.

11-14 Year Old Summer Series - Bryn Mawr, PA

11-14 Year Old Five-Part Summer Social Skills Peer Group

June 11, 25 & july 9, 16, 23

5:00pm to 6:00pm

Ludington Library


This social skills curriculum is intended to be completed as a five-part series for children who have mastered basic social communication skills (such as greetings, turn-taking, eye contact) but are in need of more explicit instruction in advanced pragmatic skills.

Topics to be covered include: expected versus unexpected behaviors, body language, joining conversations, maintaining conversations, and problem solving.

These skills are critical for young adults, especially as they advance into older grades, and may encounter constantly changing social scenery. Through guided discussions, role-playing activities, and use of multi-modal therapy materials, we will work together to delve further into the concept of ‘social communication’, and how to be successful social communicators in everyday situations. This series is intended to provide essential pragmatic skills and strategies that children can use across various contexts (e.g. school, work, social environments). We look forward to working with you and your family!

To maximize the benefit to your child and ensure continuity throughout the workshop, we strongly encourage your child's participation in the entire five-part series. However, to enable flexibility for summer scheduling, we will also accept registration for individual sessions.

11-14 Year Old Five-Part Summer Social Skills Peer Group

Join us for the entire five-part social series at a special price! Topics to be covered include expected versus unexpected behaviors, body language, joining conversations, maintaining conversations, and problem solving. 

Individual Session Registration